January 09, 2006

We're moved!

Just thought I would post an update for those of you that are wondering where I've been. We finally got our stuff packed up, and are moved into our new house. We've been pretty busy, and tomorrow is the first day we will have internet access from our house. Up until this point, I've been keeping up with email through a wireless card that my husband borrowed from a friend. Christmas this year was not what I hoped it would be... however, I am very thankful this year for my family.

About a week before Christmas, my husband Charlie started complaining of a strange stomach pain. It eventually got better, but about a week later, it started happening again. To make a long story short, his appendix had ruptured, and they stayed that way for about 8 days before he was properly diagnosed and had surgery. He was extremely lucky, as the doctor told us that a lot of people don't make it 5 days after a rupture. It turns out that the infection stayed contained behind his colon and didn't spread. He ended up being in the hospital on Christmas day, and didn't get out until the day before we moved. Fortunately, I had my parents here with me to help, but it was a very stressful time with Christmas and moving happening in the midst of that. I'm glad that part is all over.

Moving in was definately more pleasant than moving out! We hired some loaders/unloaders to move the heavy furniture, and then had several of our friends helping as well. Thanks to them, we got a lot done on the first day and the place is already feeling like home. Unfortunately, with all the stuff going on (moving, hospital etc...), I was so completely worn down on the days of moving out and in, that I didn't even touch my video camera. I am anxious to get back to vlogging though, and catching up with some of you that I have missed over the holidays. Hope you all had a good one! Hopefully I will have a video to post soon.

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year... etc.. etc... and yes, I'm going to change my page template back soon :)

1 comment:

Mizz Crystal said...

WOW! you have been one busy lady! I was worried bout u there for awhile but glad to see that everything is fine now!!

Glad you are movied in now!! Welcome TO South Carolina!!!

With that said,
I can't wait for your first vlog! :D