November 01, 2005


Click to play [Quicktime | 4.8 MB | 1:13 mins]

This is a little snippet from trick or treating last night. After this incident, our poor little Maddy was traumatized for the rest of the night :( I felt really bad! Especially after watching this video when we got home and realizing that I laughed at her! Looking back though, it was probably just nervous laughter.. because come on, that was scary!

Also, I want to add (for any of you out there who are thinking right now that I'm a horrible Mom for posting this)... it is now the girls' current favorite movie. I wasn't going to post it, but they keep asking me to play it over and over! So I figured they are over it and we can look back and laugh.


Nick said...

oh, that's so funny!! i'm sure that's happened to everyone @ some point or another. it's all apart of the fun!

Anonymous said...

even I was scared. don't worry, fear builds character.

Chris said...

It amazes me that such a young person would recognize something as being scary -- or maybe it's that it's so different that it's scary. Who knows? Nice to know, however, that Maddy laughs about it all now. Thanks for taking us trick or treating!

Zadi said...

That was hilarious. I'm laughing out loud. Poor kid. They'll enjoy this look back into Halloween for sure.

Chris Daniel said...

I would have had the same reaction.. Only I would have took off running! Nice video!

Anonymous said...

Oh my god... that was soooooo cute!!!!! Beautiful!!!!! It's a great video!!!!! Loved the sound effects!

Vu Bui said...

That was great. These are the things you need to keep and then embarrass them with later... in front of their friends!

The best part is that even fear was not enough to override the desire for candy... at least not entirely...